Website-Icon Dipl.-Ing. Markus Haidinger MBA

Powerbuilder – Next Generation 2017

Neue Powerbuilder Release 2017 (Quelle Appeon

Appeon is currently working on a new generation of PowerBuilder that will keep everything you love about native PowerBuilder development while supercharging your projects with proven standards and technologies. In the coming releases, your existing projects will benefit from mobile and cloud deployment to test-driven development and continuous integration.

Powerbuilder 2017 Classic Features (Auszug):

Unterstützung neuester Betriebssysteme und Datenbanken

Both the PowerBuilder IDE and desktop apps can be reliably deployed to Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016. Updated database drivers are supported for the latest versions of SQL Server, Oracle, SQL Anywhere, and ASE.

Einfache PDF Generierung

Generate PDFs from within PowerBuilder itself. There is no need to go through cumbersome PDF printer installations or license expensive PDF libraries. Simple APIs are provided with flexible printing options.

Neues Target für mobile Applikationen – Cloud Unterstützung

A new Mobile Cloud App target is introduced (powered by Appeon Mobile). Most PowerBuilder functionality and Apache Cordova plugins are supported. Projects deploy to iOS and Android as well as leading cloud providers.

Eine detaillierte Liste von geplanten Features und Erweiterungen finden sie hier.

Die mobile Version verlassen